Garden Hour History

K-State Garden Hour Playlist on YouTube

2025 Series

Sowing Success: Research-based Gardening for Beginners

January 8, 2025
Scott Eckert, Harvey County Horticulture Agent

Start your gardening journey with our essential guide to growing your own vegetables! Learn practical advice on growing a thriving garden, even in the face of Kansas' challenging climate and soil conditions. Whether you have a large backyard or a small garden plot, this webinar will empower you to cultivate fresh produce.


Maximizing Water Efficiency Through Drip Irrigation

February 5, 2025
Gregg Eyestone, Riley County Horticulture Agent

Drip irrigation is an effective, easy-to-install, and widely available method for enhancing landscapes while conserving water. It delivers water directly to the root zone, achieving over 90% efficiency compared to 50-70% for traditional sprinklers. Explore water conservation practices and learn more about the benefits of drip irrigation.


Establishing a Native Prairie Stand at Home

March 5, 2025
Amy Keigher, Johnson County Natural Resources Agent

Transform your land into a thriving prairie habitat! Learn about the process of establishing a home prairie stand, the benefits of prairie landscapes, plant selection, and maintenance techniques to create a beautiful, sustainable ecosystem right at home.



2024 Series

Nature's Decor: A How-To in Floral Design

January 3, 2024
Irina Sheshukova, K-State Research and Extension Floral Design Extension Specialist

Step into the world of floral design and beautiful flowers as Irina Sheshukova, Extension Specialist and Instructor in the Department of Horticulture and Natural Resources at Kansas State University, shares about the new floral design Extension program and demonstrates how to arrange flowers from the grocery store into a beautiful tabletop arrangement in a vase.


Gardening for a Changing Climate

February 7, 2024
Dr. Chuck Rice, Kansas State University Distinguished Professor of Soil Microbiology

Gardening in Kansas doesn't come easy, as we often face weather extremes and drought conditions. With projected changes in our climate, gardening will be more challenging. Extreme events will require adaptation with plant selection, irrigation, and soil health. Learn about how to overcome the challenges of gardening in a changing Kansas climate.


Selecting and Planting Fruit Trees for Kansas

March 6, 2024
Rebecca McMahon, Local Food System Program Administrator and Anthony Reardon, Johnson County Horticulture--Small Farms Agent

Join Rebecca and Anthony as they discuss the best fruit tree selections for Kansas, cultivars to be on the lookout for, and how to go about planting and caring for them.


Companion Plants in Your Garden

April 3, 2024
Pam Paulsen, Reno County Horticulture Agent and Laura Phillips, Meadowlark District Horticulture Agent

Many gardeners have heard that marigolds repel pests in vegetable gardens or that beans dislike fennel. These sentiments are often attributed to a practice called "companion planting." But does companion planting really work? Join Pam and Laura for a discussion on the research behind companion planting as we dispel common myths and discuss which benefits companion planting can offer your garden.


Understanding Water Sources for Your Garden

May 1, 2024
Jay Harris, Cottonwood District Horticulture Agent

There are often multiple water sources available to irrigate our gardens. In this session you'll learn to understand the many differences between water from private wells, city water supplies, or rural water districts. Learn about the differences in water quality, the importance of knowing what is in your water, the costs associated with each, and why you should test your water before you use it.



Growing Cut Flowers for the Home and Farmers Market

June 5, 2024
Dr. Cynthia Domenghini, Extension Specialist and Instructor

State your own cut flower garden to bring the beauty of flowers indoors! This session covers the basics of establishing a cut flower garden. Learn ideas for preparing soil, seed starting, flower varieites, irrigation set-up, maintenance, and even marketing tips for your floriferous crops.


Success with Cacti and Succulents

July 3, 2024
Calla Edwards, Butler County Horticulture Agent

Succulents and cacti have been popular houseplants for decades but can also make great landscape plants. Learn how to care for your indoor and outdoor succulents, as well as recommendations for some cool plants you can try around your home.


Establishing a More Environmentally Sustainable Lawn

August 7, 2024
Dr. Sharon Ashworth, Douglas County Horticulture Agent

Whether you are interested in reducing your water bill or supporting pollinators, there are alternatives to growing and mainataining typical turfgrass lawns. This webinar will discuss reducing the water, herbicides, and fertilizers used on fescue lawns and replacing fescue turfgrass with low-growing alternatives that support our pollinators.



Season Extension in the Vegetable Garden

September 4, 2024
Dr. Cary Rivard, Fruit and Vegetable Production Extension Specialist

Discover the possibilities of fresh, homegrown produce from your vegetable gardening in March, April, November, December, and other unexpected months in Kansas. Learn ways to unlock the production of your vegetable garden through season extension gardening techniques.



Evergreens in Kansas

October 2, 2024
Dr. Jason Griffin, Woody Ornamentals Extension Specialist

Plants in the landscape that can provide true year-round interest may be few and far between, but for evergreens it is an easy feat! Learn which evergreens will perform best for you in the state of Kansas.



Rabbit, Mole, and Deer Mitigation

November 6, 2024
Dr. Drew Ricketts, Wildlife Management Extension Specialist

The presence of wildlife such as rabbits and deer can pose many potential problems for home gardeners, depending largely on which plants have been chosen for a landscape. Learn about the plants best suited for avoiding these issues, as well as other nusiance animal mitigation techniques.



Home Hydroponics

December 4, 2024
Lane Wiens, Shawnee County Horticulture Agent

Don't let the winter blues get your down! Grow fruits and vegetables year-round with home hydroponics. Learn the basics of hydroponics, types of hydroponic systems, crops that grow well without soil, and tips on building your own system at home.


2023 Series

Gardening Myths and Misconceptions

January 4, 2023
Pam Paulsen, Reno County Horticulture Extension Agent

Some gardening wisdom is really not all that wise, while other gardening tales may actually have some truth to them. Pam Paulsen, Reno County Horticulture Extension Agent, will look at common garden myths we have all heard, and evaluate the science behind what either proves them true or false. Learn how to know whether the garden advice you come across is reliable or not.


More Plants from Your Plants: Introduction to Vegetative Plant Propagation

February 1, 2023
Dr. Jason Griffin, Woody Ornamentals Horticulture Extension Specialist

Vegetative propagation, cloning, and asexual propagation are all terms used to describe the process of making new plants that are genetically identical to your existing plants. Learn about the basics of plant propagation for the hobby gardener. With a little knowledge and some simple tools, learn how to be successful propagating your plants.


Houseplants: Basics and Beyond

March 1, 2023
Cassie Thiessen, Post Rock District Horticulture Extension Agent, & Calla Edwards, Butler County Horticulture Extension Agent,

Over 66% of U.S. households have at least one houseplant, but often the terms used to describe their care can be confusing. Decode common houseplant terms related to light, water, and other plant needs. Learn about some unique houseplants and the best practices to keep them thriving.


Growing to New Heights with Vertical Gardening

April 5, 2023
Amanda Groleau, Frontier District Horticulture and Natural Resources Extension Agent

Make the most of your garden by growing up, instead of out. Create vertical gardens to get your garden off the ground, provide more space for plants, and expand your gardening area. Learn which fruits, vegetables, and flowers will grow best in a vertical garden and how to get started.


Drought-Tolerant Plants for a Challenging Kansas Landscape

May 3, 2023
Jason Graves, Central Kansas District Horticulture Extension Agent and Matthew McKernan, Sedgwick County Horticulture Extension Agent

The Kansas climate throws numerous extremes at our landscape plants. The most common climate extreme is periods of drought, which are difficult for both plants and gardeners. Join Jason and Matthew as they address our climate challenges and provide suggestions for drought-tolerant plants that will make gardening easier.


Drought-Tolerant Lawns of Kansas: Warm-Season Turfgrasses

June 7, 2023
Dr. Ross Braun, Assistant Professor of Turfgrass and Landscape Management

Kansas weather is extreme, but summers are frequently hot and dry. This session explains what it means to live in our “transitional climatic zone” with the option to grow both cool- and warm-season turfgrass species. Learn how to grow grass species that are more drought tolerant to better survive our summer weather and conserve water.


Solutions to Your Top Garden Insect and Disease Problems

July 5, 2023
Dr. Raymond Cloyd, Professor of Entomology and Judy O'Mara, Director of the Kansas State University Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory

Insects, diseases, and weather-related problems are always an issue in the landscape and garden. Learn to identify and solve the plant problems in your garden and where to go for more information.


Integrating Native Plants Into Your Home Landscape

August 2, 2023
Dr. Sharon Ashworth, Douglas County Horticulture and Natural Resources Extension Agent

Native plants are growing in popularity in the home lansdcape. This session discusses the ecological benefits of native plants and how to successfully integrate natives into your landscape. Learn about what defines a native plant, which native plants work best, and what maintenance is required to grow a beautiful landscape of natives.


Seed Saving From your Garden

September 6, 2023
Jesse Gilmore, Wildcat Extension District Horticulture Agent

Seed saving is a fun way to enjoy gardening without breaking the bank. Most plants produce seeds that can be saved from one year to the next, however, not all seeds are equally suited for saving. Jesse will discuss the merits of seed saving, the different types of flowers and seeds, and which plants are most suited for seed saving.


Putting your Garden to Bed: Winter Garden Prep

October 4, 2023
Anthony Reardon, Johnson County Horticulture Agent

The growing season is nearly over, but your garden work may not be done just yet. Learn about the various gardening tasks that can help your landscape throughout the winter and prepare your garden for the growing season to come.


Plants Gone Wild! Controlling Invasive Plants

November 1, 2023
Lynn Loughary, Wyandotte County Horticulture Agent

Given the opportunity, certain plants can take over your landscape, woodlands, and pastures. Join Lynn Loughary, Wyandotte County Extension Horticulture Agent, as she helps you to recognize which plants you need to keep a close eye on. Learn about a few of our most invasive plants, and management strategies for their control. Discover which weeds are also regulated by law, through Kansas's noxious weeds program.


Beekeeping Basics: How to Start Your Own Colony

December 6, 2023
Ryan Engel, Golden Prairie District Horticulture Agent

Beekeeping is both popular and important for many reasons. Whether it's to produce your own local honey, supplement pollination of nearby plants, promote conservation, or even for personal entertainment, there are many reasons to become a beekeper. In this session, you will learn about equipment, how to source bees, and best practices for establishing a new colony.



2022 Series

Vegetable Varieties for Bountiful Harvests

January 5, 2022
Rebecca McMahon, Sedgwick County Horticulture Extension Agent

Have you ever been overwhelmed by the choices in seed catalogs? Rebecca McMahon, Sedgwick County Horticulture Extension Agent, will give you the tools you need to make educated decisions about which vegetable varieties to try in your garden. Learn the differences between heirlooms and hybrids, decipher plant descriptions, and determine which varieties will provide a more bountiful harvest.


Starting Seeds Indoors

February 2, 2022
Gregg Eyestone, Riley County Horticulture Extension Agent

Discover the fun of starting your gardening season off early by growing your own bedding plants indoors. Learn the steps to growing healthy plants you can transplant into the garden this spring. Gregg Eyestone, will explain how to save money growing those hard-to-find plants you want in your garden this year!


Landscape Design 101

March 2, 2022
Travis Carmichael, Lyon County Horticulture Extension Agent

Designing a new flower bed or revamping a current one can intimidate any gardener. With just a few simple design principles, become more confident in choosing plants for these areas. Join Travis as he discusses design principles, including the importance of planting in groups, planning for mature size, and bringing year-round color to the landscape.


Pollinator Plants for Continuous Food Sources

April 6, 2022
Jason Graves, Central Kansas District Horticulture Extension Agent

Include plants for pollinators in your spring planting plan! Providing season-long pollen and nectar sources in the garden is critical for our pollinators to forage on, and an important way to help increase local pollinator numbers. Join Jason to learn about the planting strategies and pollinator garden plants that will help you supply pollinators with the critical foraging habitat they need.


New and Improved Annual Flower Varieties

May 4, 2022
Matthew McKernan, Sedgwick County Horticulture Extension Agent

New and improved varieties of annual flowers hit the garden center shelves every year. Which varieties will provide you outstanding summer performance? Join Matthew as he highlights new varieties of annual flowers with outstanding performance, along with tips for growing annual flowers more successfully this summer!


Organic Pest Management for Vegetable Gardens

June 1, 2022
Zac Hoppenstedt, Johnson County Horticulture Extension Agent

The ideal weather conditions for peak vegetable crop production will also generate a rise in garden pests, weeds, and disease. As these pests plague the garden, even the most avid organic grower may become disheartened. Join Zac to learn about organic controls available to the home gardener, as well as strategic approaches to help prevent garden problems.



Growing Culinary Mushrooms at Home

July 6, 2022
Pam Paulsen, Reno County Horticulture Extension Agent

Mushrooms can be a fun and tasty addition to your garden and dinner table. Pam Paulsen, Reno County Horticulture Extension Agent, will cover some of the most commonly cultivated mushroom species and walk through the steps of how to grow them successfully at home.


Landscaping For Wildlife

August 3, 2022
Chuck Otte, Geary County Extension Agent

How you landscape your property and the plants you select can create a welcome invitation for wildlife to visit your property. Chuck Otte, Geary County Extension Agent, will discuss basic landscaping concepts that will encourage wildlife to visit your yard. Learn about recommended native plant material to utilize, as well as key management techniques that will provide benefits to many different wildlife species.


Recommended Trees for Kansas

September 7, 2022
Dr. Jason Griffin, Woody Ornamentals Horticulture Extension Specialist

Often the shade, beauty, and other benefits of a tree aren’t fully appreciated until decades after a tree is planted. As a result, picking the right tree for the right place becomes even more critical. Join Dr. Jason Griffin, Woody Ornamentals Horticulture Extension Speciali, as he highlights some of the best trees for Kansas and the surrounding region.


Improving Soil Health in the Landscape and Garden

October 5, 2022
Dr. DeAnn Presley, Professor and Extension Specialist for Environmental Soil Science and Management

Is your landscape and garden soil healthy? Learn how to measure and improve your soil’s health in the home landscape and garden with Dr. DeAnn Presley, Professor and Extension Specialist for Environmental Soil Science and Management. Explore ways to improve your soil, including cover crops and soil amendments. Learn how to build your soil’s organic matter, and improve the growing potential of your soil.


Wildlife Damage Prevention and Control in the Lawn and Garden

November 2, 2022
Dr. Drew Ricketts, Extension Wildlife Management Specialist

Have your prized vegetables and beautiful landscapes ever become an all-you-can-eat buffet for local wildlife? Learn how to identify the squirrels, rabbits, deer, gophers, or other wildlife that may be causing problems, and better understand how to prevent their damage. Join Dr. Drew Ricketts, Extension Wildlife Management Speciali, as he shares practical tips to prevent and control common wildlife damage issues.


Accessible Gardening for All

December 7, 2022
Calla Edwards, Butler County Horticulture Extension Agent

Gardening is a passion for many people; however, due to physical challenges, many people find themselves limited or unable to garden. Join Calla Edwards, Butler County Horticulture Extension Agent, to learn tips, tricks, and ways to make your gardening experience adaptable for everyone.


2021 Winter Series

Embrace your Landscape's Wild Side - Supporting Backyard Birds

October 6, 2021
Chuck Otte, Geary County Extension Agent

Many people enjoy the excitement of birds routinely visiting their yard. Providing food and water is a great start to attracting backyard birds, but what types of food and habitat are going to attract the most birds and make them feel safest? Join lifelong birder and avid back yard bird feeder Chuck Otte, Extension Agent in Geary County, as he discusses tips for backyard bird feeding success.


Winter Interest in the Landscape

November 3, 2021
Lynn Loughary, Wyandotte County Extension Horticulture Agent

Many gardens can become dreary, drab, and colorless over the winter months, as they lose the excitement of summer. Beat this winter boredom in your garden through the texture, color, and movement of plants that will bring year round beauty to your landscape. Join Lynn Loughary, Wyandotte County Extension Horticulture Agent, as she shares a few of the must have plants that provide year-round interest in the landscape.



Organic Gardening

August 4, 2021
Zac Hoppenstedt, Johnson County Horticulture Extension Agent

Growing organic produce interests many home gardeners, but what exactly does that involve? Join Zac Hoppenstedt, Johnson County Horticulture Extension Agent, for an introduction to organic agriculture and growing techniques adapted for the home garden. Learn about creating organic systems, adjusting gardening practices, and effective natural based products for growing fruit and vegetables. Get help working through late summer maintenance and preparing for a bountiful fall garden.


Gardening with Beneficial Insects

August 18, 2021
Pam Paulsen, Reno County Horticulture Extension Agent

When we think of insects in the garden, we often think of the pests that cause damage to our plants and not the abundance of beneficial insects. Luckily for gardeners there are far more insects that support our gardens than damage it. Pam Paulsen, Reno County Horticulture Extension Agent, will look at what some of these beneficial insects are, and how to attract and keep them in our gardens.


Basics of Growing Berries in Kansas

September 1, 2021
Rebecca McMahon, Sedgwick County Horticulture Extension Agent

The best way to enjoy fruit is fresh off the vine, so why not grow that fruit right in your backyard? Learn the basics of growing strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and even blueberries in Kansas. Rebecca McMahon, Sedgwick County Horticulture Extension Agent, will discuss the basic growth habits and care of these popular fruit plants, while also pointing out the environmental concerns that might cause problems along the way.


Composting with Worms - Vermicomposting 101

September 15, 2021
Scott Eckert, Harvey County Horticulture Extension Agent

Consider harnessing the powers of a composting worm to turn kitchen scraps and garden trash into gardening gold by vermicomposting! This unique composting method uses worms to reduce waste and create nutrient rich compost that will help your plants thrive. Join Scott Eckert, Harvey County Horticulture Extension Agent, as he shares how you can use worms to compost successfully all year round in your home.



Native Plants to Support Native Bees

June 16, 2021
Jason Graves, Central Kansas District Horticulture Extension Agent

In support of National Pollinator Week next week, we wanted to highlight that there are over 4,000 species of native and solitary bees in the United States alone. These pollinators directly connect to human health and well-being, and deserve to be understood, appreciated, and preserved. Jason Graves, Central Kansas District Horticulture Extension Agent, will explore native bees and how gardeners can use native plants to create a welcoming habitat for these essential pollinators.


Effective Irrigation

June 2, 2021
Gregg Eyestone, Riley County Extension Horticulture Agent

The million dollar question for every gardener is “How much water does it need?” This can be one of the hardest questions to answer, because the correct answer depends on many factors. Join Gregg as he shares the best irrigation practices to keep your plants thriving.


Xeriscaping: Beautiful Landscapes with Less Water

May 19, 2021
Ariel Whitely-Noll, Shawnee County Horticulture Extension Agent

Water is a precious resource in Kansas, and around the world. Learn how to landscape around your home using plant materials that require little to no water outside of our natural rainfall. Ariel will explain how to create water-saving Xeriscape gardens full of trees, shrubs, and flowers, which deliver the same beauty as any traditional garden!


Herbs - from Seed to Seasoning

May 5, 2021
Cassie Homan, Horticulture Agent
Ashley Svaty,
Nutrition, Food Safety and Health Agent

Using herbs straight from the garden is a great way to move food from boring and bland to healthy and delicious! Cassie and Ashley, both from the Post Rock Extension District, will demonstrate how to grow and care for herbs and add them to your favorite recipes. Learn how to add more flavor, and less salt, by growing your own herbs!



Gardening in the Shade

April 21, 2021
Dennis Patton, Johnson County Horticulture Extension Agent

The Kansas landscape is full of sunny, wide-open, prairie spaces, but gardening in the shade offers many opportunities. Though limited light and tree root completion pose unique challenges, there are still many ways to be successful. Dennis will share with you how to address these concerns, what plants will grow be, and how you can find success in the shade.


Raised Bed & Container Gardening

April 7, 2021
Travis Carmichael, Lyon County Extension Horticulture Agent

Not everyone may have a traditional in-ground garden, but there are multiple ways to enjoy flowers and vegetables wherever you call home. Take advantage of any space using raised beds and container gardening to conquer the challenges of balconies, decks, driveways, or other implantable areas with poor soil. Join Travis as he shares how to successfully grow flowers and vegetables in a raised bed or container garden.


Pruning Like A Pro - Tips for Trees & Shrubs

March 17, 2021
Matthew McKernan, Sedgwick County Extension Horticulture Agent

Pruning is both an art and a science, which means there are many ways to do it correctly, and poorly. Every snip, clip, or cut can affect your plant in different ways. Join Matthew as he helps you understand how trees and shrubs respond to pruning so that you can prune like a pro!


Best Plants for a Beginner's Landscape

March 3rd, 2021
Anthony Reardon, West Plains Extension District Horticulture Agent

Choosing the right plants for your landscape can be a daunting task for any gardener, especially for the beginning gardener. No one wants to invest their time, effort, and money into a landscape, only to discover that they chose the wrong plants. Join Anthony as he recommends tough plants that will work well for Kansas gardeners of all levels, and provide pointers for establishing your first garden.


Planning Your Vegetable Garden

February 17, 2021
Tom Buller, Horticulture Extension Agent in Douglas County

Winter is the best time to plan for your vegetable garden for 2021 (and beyond). Tom will share ideas and best practices for planning your garden to minimize stress and maximize production of safe, nutritious vegetables. Learn about selecting the best varieties, plant spacing, crop rotation and other important topics that will help you grow your best this coming season.


2020 Sessions (Recordings Available in Descriptions Below)

Holiday Horticulture

December 2, 2020
Cassie Homan, Horticulture Extension Agent in the Post Rock District

Poinsettias are America's top-selling potted plant and there is no surprise why! They are the perfect Christmas gift and add beauty to any home. Cassie will cover tips on how to care for this festive plant. Join us for Holiday Horticulture to understand how to select and care for the most popular holiday plants.


Trees and Shrubs for Pollinators and Kansas Wildlife – Tips From the Kansas Forest Service

November 4, 2020
Chris Mullins, District Forester for South Central KS

There are many trees and shrubs that are critical for promoting pollinators and other wildlife in Kansas. Not only are these plants important, but through the Kansas Forest Service, many of these trees and shrubs are available at very low cost to be planted to increase pollinator & wildlife habitat. Join Chris Mullins, the District Forester for South Central KS, as he shares how you can use the services and resources the Kansas Forest Service has to offer in order to grow healthier trees and shrubs across Kansas.


Everyone Can Compost

October 7, 2020
Scott Eckert, Harvey County Horticulture Extension Agent

Fall means cooler weather, apple cider, and of course dealing with all of the falling leaves. What can we do with all of these leaves? Just like anything else that is organic, they can be broken down by composting. Join Scott in learning about what else can you compo, and why everyone should build their own compost pile!


Spring Flowering Bulbs

September 30, 2020
Dennis Patton, Johnson County Horticulture Extension Agent

Nothing says hello spring like the cheery smile of a bright yellow daffodil or a bed of colorful tulips. This spring welcome does not just happen it must be planned. Fall is the ideal time to plant spring flower bulbs in the landscape. Dennis will cover everything you need to know to have success with spring-flowering bulbs.


Fall Tree Planting: How To Do It Right!

September 23rd, 2020
Dr. Charlie Barden, K-State Forestry Specialist

Fall can be an ideal time to plant trees & shrubs. Dr. Charlie Barden will share his tips & techniques for selecting, planting, staking and mulching trees. In addition, learn about the trees for great fall color, and the differences when planting evergreen vs deciduous trees in the fall.


Growing Garlic in Kansas

September 16, 2020
Chuck Otte, Geary County Extension Agent

Some people regard garlic as an herb or a spice, others view it as a food and some people view it as a miracle plant. Regardless, garlic is very popular with cooks today but unlike many garden crops, it has some special requirements (including fall planting.) Chuck Otte, Geary County Extension Agent (and garlic grower) will discuss all aspects of growing garlic including what garlic is, the different types of garlic, and the special needs and requirements of growing garlic in your own garden. Kansas is well situated for garlic production and gardeners should consider including garlic as one of their annual garden crops.


Getting the "Buzz" on Honeybees

September 9, 2020
Dr. Raymond Cloyd, Professor and State Extension Leader for Entomology

There is a lot of 'buzz' about honeybees these days. Dr. Raymond Cloyd will initially discuss pollinator types, and then provide a detailed discussion of the biology and behavior of honey bees including colony members (queen, workers, and drones) and how a honey bee colony is structured and operates within a hive. This presentation will also address several aspects of pollinator gardens.


Fall Lawn Care (Part 2) - Fertilizing, Aerating, & Controlling Weeds In Your Tall Fescue Lawn

September 2, 2020
Matthew McKernan, Sedgwick County Horticulture Extension Agent

Fall is undoubtedly the most important time of year to care for your Tall Fescue lawns, and there’s more to it than just planting new grass seed. In Part 2 of this series, Matthew McKernan, Sedgwick County Horticulture Extension Agent, will cover the best tips for fertilizing, watering, aerating, and controlling weeds in your lawn in order to help you have the best lawn on the block!


Fall Lawn Care (Part 1) - Planting and Overseeding Your Tall Fescue Lawn

August 26, 2020
Matthew McKernan, Sedgwick County Horticulture Extension Agent

Fall is undoubtedly the most important time of year to care for your Tall Fescue lawns. Whether you are starting a new lawn, or thickening up an existing lawn, there are many planting tips & tricks that you need to know. Matthew will cover the best tips for soil preparation, seed selection, planting techniques, and planting time in order to help you have the best lawn on the block!


Preserve it Fresh, Preserve it Safe

August 19, 2020
Karen Blakeslee, Extension Associate in Food Science and Rapid Response Center Coordinator

If your garden is overflowing with fresh produce, what will you do with it? Besides enjoying the fresh flavors or sharing with family and friends, preserving the produce for later use is a great way to enjoy that taste of summer later in the year. Karen will highlight some easy ways to safely preserve your food.


Hummingbirds in Kansas

August 12, 2020
Chuck Otte, Geary County Ag and Natural Resources Extension Agent

Hummingbirds are fascinating and fun to watch for the entire family. Through a blend of landscaping and use of feeders you can enhance the opportunity to view and enjoy these tiny little flying jewels. Chuck will discuss hummer-friendly plants, how to use feeders effectively, and how to deal with common problems with your hummingbird-friendly yard.


Fall Vegetable Gardening

August 5, 2020
Tom Buller

Fall is the best time of the year to grow vegetables in Kansas, and it is not too late to start for the year. This presentation will cover tips and tricks of establishing and caring for a fall vegetable garden, as well as some pointers for fall season extension and putting your garden to rest at the end of the season.


How to Choose Potting Media for Gardening Success

July 29, 2020
Dr. Cheryl Boyer, K-State Nursery Crop Production Extension Specialist

Selecting a bag of potting media at the garden center can be a confusing experience. Fortunately, there is solid science behind engineering quality soils for growing plants. Dr. Cheryl Boyer will cover purposes, materials, mixes and how to manage soil-less potting media for container-gardening success.


Pesticide Label Safety

July 22, 2020
Lynn Loughary, Wyandotte County Horticulture Extension Agent

Unlock the truth about pesticides and separate fact from internet fiction. Lynn will walk you through how pesticides are developed and which situations will provide you optimal control with the least environmental impact. Learn what you need to know in order to safely use these products and achieve the most effective results.


Hydrangeas for the Garden

July 15, 2020
Dennis Patton, Johnson County Horticulture Extension Agent

Hydrangeas are a popular garden plant, providing plenty of season-long summer color. Unfortunately, with the ever-changing Kansas climate, hydrangeas can sometimes be a challenge to grow. Dennis will explain which species are best suited to your garden conditions and share tips for their success. Once you learn these secrets, you will want to add more hydrangeas to the garden to enjoy the beauty for yourself.


Nuisance Wildlife Control in Your Garden

July 8, 2020
Charlie Lee, K-State Wildlife Control Extension Specialist

Are squirrels, rabbits, deer, or other wildlife getting the best of your garden? Join Charlie in learning how to identify the animals causing problems in your landscape or garden. You will understand why animals find these areas attractive, and learn how to prevent damage through habitat modification, exclusion, and removal if necessary.


Weed Management in the Lawn and Garden

July 1, 2020
Jesse Gilmore, Wildcat Extension District Horticulture Agent

Every gardener wages war on weeds, which compete with desirable plants for water, nutrients, and sunlight. Is that struggle always necessary, and what are the different ways to keep weeds from appearing where you don't want them? Jesse will explain what defines a weed, how they grow, the hidden merits of weeds, and methods of keeping weeds in check.


Identifying Garden Insects - Integrated Pest Management Steps for the Garden

June 24, 2020
Frannie Miller, K-State Pesticide Safety and IPM Coordinator

There are countless insects in a garden, but which are friendly and which are foe? Frannie Miller, K-State Pesticide Safety and IPM Coordinator, will cover which insects you may want to know, in order to identify what is in your garden. Then, learn what you can do to discourage pests in your garden.


Bugs Galore: Bagworm, Japanese Beetle, Mosquitoes, and Other “Bug” Related Pests

June 17, 2020
Dr. Raymond Cloyd, Professor and Extension Entomology Specialist

Dr. Cloyd will provide a brief overview of bagworms, Japanese beetles, mosquitoes, and other summer insect and mite pests. The presentation will discuss biology, damage, and management strategies that can be implemented now to control pest populations and mitigate plant damage. There will be time afterward for any questions.


Indoor Plants for Health and Happiness

June 10, 2020
Ariel Whitely-Noll, Shawnee County Horticulture Extension Agent

Indoor plants boost your mood, improve your heal, clean the air and add beauty to your home and office. Learn more from Ariel about a few of the easiest indoor plants to grow along with how to keep your plants alive and happy!


Making and Supporting Pollinators In The Garden

June 3, 2020
Jason Graves, Central Kansas District Horticulture Extension Agent

Making and supporting pollinators should not be optional since they are essential to maintaining the vast number of ecosystem services we all rely on every single day. Jason will explore who our pollinators are, understanding pollinator needs and what we can do to make and support pollinators in our own yards.


Taking Care of Tomatoes

May 27, 2020
Tom Buller, Douglas County Horticulture Extension Agent
Judy O'Mara, K-State Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab

Many maintenance techniques can improve your tomato plant heal, while also increasing plant yield. Tom will cover tasks including training, irrigating, pruning and insect management and Judy will discuss tomato diseases that occur in Kansas and how to manage them.


Native Plants in the Landscape

May 20, 2020
Pam Paulsen, Reno County Horticulture Extension Agent

Native plants can be a great addition to your landscape. They are well adapted to local growing conditions and serve as important food sources for beneficial insects, birds and other wildlife. Pam will cover a number of native plant species and how they can be used in your landscape.