All Pests
Apple and Crabapple Powdery Mildew
Apple Pest Control
Apple Russeting
Apple Scab
Apple and Pear, Sooty Blotch and Fly Speck
Arborvitae Fall Needle Drop
Arborvitae, Seiridium Canker
Ash/Lilac Borer
Ash, Emerald Ash Borer
Ash Flower Gall Mite
Ash, Mycosphaerella Leaf Spot
Ash Plant Bug
Ash Rust
Ash Sawfly
Bacterial Spot on Fruit Trees
Bark Shedding
Black Knot
Bleeding Cankers on Shade Trees
Borers in Trees
Brown Rot of Fruit Trees
Botryosphaeria Canker of Juniper
Botryosphaeria Canker of Oak
Boxelder Bug
Bronze Birch Borer
Affected Plants: Paper birch, yellow birch, gray birch, poplar, cottonwood and willow
Cedar-Apple Rust Control on Fruiting Apples
Cherry Leaf Spot
Affected Plants: Sour cherry, almond, dwarf Russian almond; bitter, black, Japanese flowering, mahalen, pin, sand, and sweet cherries; chokecherry; cherry laurel; and Canada, common, Japanese, and wild plums.
Codling Moth on Apple Trees
Affected Plants: Primarily apples but may also attack pears, crabapples, walnuts, quince and other fruits.
Cottonwood Borer
Diplodia Tip Blight of Pine
Dothistroma Needle Blight of Pine
Dutch Elm Disease
Eastern Tent Caterpillar
Elm Flea Weevil
Elm Leaf Beetle
Elm Pocket Gall
Woolly Elm Aphid
Environmental Stress on Trees
Euonymus Scale
Affected Plants: Euonymus, camellia, boxwood, bittersweet, daphne, eugenia, English ivy, hibiscus, holly jasmine, privet, honeysuckle, olive, pachysandra and stone fruits
European Pine Sawfly
Fall Webworm
Fireblight on Trees
Affected Plants: Apple, flowering crabapple, pear, ornamental pear, firethorn, hawthorn, cotoneaster, quince, mountain ash.
Frost Cracks on Trees
Galls of Trees
Girdling Roots
Green June Beetles
Affected Plants: Apricots, nectarines, peaches, plums, prunes, apples, pears, grapes, figs, blackberries, and raspberries
Gummosis of Fruit Trees
Hackberry, Island Chlorosis
Hackberry Nipple Gall Maker
Hawthorn Rust Diseases
Henbit and Chickweed
Honeylocust, Plant Bug/Leafhopper Complex
Iron Chlorosis of Trees
Affected Plants: Pin oak, silver maple, bald cypress, crabapple and sweet gum; white pine, elm, London planetree, cottonwood, walnut, sugar maple, Eastern red cedar, Bradford pear and willow
Juniper, Cercospora Needle Blight
Juniper, Kabatina Tip Blight
Juniper, Phomopsis Tip Blight
Juniper Root Diseases
Juniper Webworm
Kermes Oak Scale
Lace Bug
Leaf Drop in Spring
Leaves That Don't Drop in the Fall
Lecanium Scales
Maple Bladdergall Mite
Magnolia Scale
Mimosa Webworm
Lilac, Powdery Mildew
Lilac Leaf Spot
Nantucket Pine Tip Moth
Natural Needle Drop
Oak Gall Midge
Oak, Hypoxylon Canker
Oak, Jumping Oak Gall
Oak Lace Bug
Oak, Obscure Scale
Oak, Scarlet Oak Sawfly
Oak, Tubakia Leaf Spot
Affected Plants: Primarily oaks but also maple, hickory, chestnut, redbud, ash, tupelo, sourwood, rose, sassafras & elm.
Oak Wilt
Oak, Vein Pocket Gall
Peach, Perennial Canker
Peach Leaf Curl
Peachtree Borer
Pear Leaf Rust
Pitburn and Split Pit of Stone Fruits
Pseudomonas Blight
Pine, Brown Spot
Pine Needle Scale
Pine Tortoise Scale
Pine Wilt
Plum Curculio
Russian Olive, Phomopsis Canker
San Jose Scale
Scab of Stone Fruits
Scorch of Trees and Shrubs
Spruce, Needle Drop and Twig Dieback
Spruce, Rhizosphaeria Needlecast
Spruce Spider Mite
Squirrel Damage
Tomato, Walnut Wilt
Affected plants: Tomato, potato, blackberry, apple, lilac, asparagus, chrysanthemum, and peony
Trees, Sunscald on Trunk
Affected Plants: Honey locusts, fruit trees, ashes, oaks, maples, lindens and willows and other thin-barked trees
Trees, Controlling Unwanted Trees
Trees, Lack of Fall Color
Trees, Verticillium Wilt of Trees
Affected Plants: Catalpa, maple, Russian olive, redbud, smoketree, golden-rain tree, cherry and other stone fruits, and barberry
Trees, Winter Damage
Trees with Cavities
Trees with Mushroom Growth
Wetwood and Slime Flux on Trees
Twig Girdler
Affected Plants: Elm, hickory, oak, linden, hackberry, apple, pecan, persimmon, poplar, sour gum, honeylocust, dogwood, and some flowering fruit trees
Walnut Caterpillar
Affected Plants: Primarily black walnut, pecan, and several species of hickory but may also attack birch, oak, willow, honeylocust and apple
Walnut Wilt
Affected Plants: Tomato, potato, blackberry, apple, lilac, asparagus, chrysanthemum, and peony.
Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker
Yellownecked Caterpillar
Affected Plants: Apple, pear, cherry, oak, hickory, beech, birch, elm, maple, pear, cherry, oak and walnut