Common Plant Problems



17-Year Cicada



Algae Control

Anthracnose on Cucumber, Muskmelon and Watermelon

Anthracnose on Tomato

Anthracnose on Trees

Anthracnose on Turf


Apple, Cedar-Apple Rust

Apple, Fireblight

Apple, Fly Speck

Apple Pest Control

Apple, Plum Curculio

Apple, Powdery Mildew

Apple Russeting

Apple, San Jose Scale

Apple Scab

Apple, Sooty Blotch

Apple Worm

Apricot, Brown Rot

Arborvitae Needle Drop

Arborvitae, Seiridium Canker


Ash, Emerald Ash Borer

Ash Flower Gall Mite

Ash Lilac Borer

Ash Mycosphaerella Leaf Spot

Ash Plant Bug

Ash, Rust

Ash Sawfly

Asian Jumping Worms

Asian Lady Bug

Asparagus Beetle

Aster Yellows

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Bacterial Speck of Tomato

Bacterial Spot of Tomato

Bacterial Spot of Peach

Bacterial Wilt of Vine Crops


Bark Shedding

Bean Leaf Beetle

Bermudagrass Mites

Bermudagrass, Spring Dead Spot

Billbugs on Turf

Birch, Bronze Birch Borer

Bitter Cucumbers

Black Knot of Plum

Black Rot on Grapes

Blackberry, Green June Beetle

Blackberry, Tan Drupelets

Bleeding Cankers on Trees

Blister Beetles

Blossom-end Rot

Blueberry, Iron Chlorosis

Bluegrass Billbugs

Borers in Trees

Botryosphaeria Canker of Juniper

Botryosphaeria Canker of Oak

Boxelder Bug

Broccoli, Cabbage Looper

Broccoli, Cabbage Worm

Broccoli, Harlequin Bug

Bronze Birch Borer

Brown Coloration of Junipers

Brown Patch of Turf

Brown Rot of Peach

Brown Spot of Pine


Buffalograss Chinch Bugs

Buffalograss, Sod Webworm

Burning Bush Spider Mites

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Cabbage, Harlequin Bug

Cabbage Looper

Cabbage Worm


Cantaloupe, Bacterial Wilt

Carpenter Ants

Carpenter Bees

Cauliflower, Cabbage Looper

Cauliflower, Cabbage Worm

Cauliflower, Harlequin Bug

Cedar-Apple Rust for Apples

Cedar-Apple Rust

Cercospora Needle Blight of Juniper

Cherry Leaf Spot

Chickweed and Henbit


Chinch Bugs

Cicada Killer

Codling Moth

Colorado Potato Beetle

Corn Earworm

Corn Smut

Cottonwood, Bleeding Canker

Cottonwood Borer


Cucumber Anthracnose

Cucumber, Bacterial Wilt

Cucumber Beetles

Cucumber, Bitterness

Cucumber, Fruit Not Setting

Cucumber Mosaic Virus

Cucumber, Powdery Mildew


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Diplodia Tip Blight of Pine


Dollar Spot

Dothistroma Needle Blight of Pines

Dutch Elm Disease

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Early Blight of Tomatoes

Earthworms in the Lawn

Eastern Redbud, Bark Shedding

Eastern Tent Caterpillar

Echinacea, Aster Yellows

Eggplant, Blossom-end Rot

Elm, Dutch Elm Disease

Elm Leaf Beetle

Elm Pocket Gall

Elm Woolly Elm Aphid

Elm Flea Weevil

Emerald Ash Borer

Environmental Stress on Trees

Euonymus Scale

Euonymus Spider Mites

European Pine Sawfly

European White Birch, Bronze Birch Borer

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Fall Armyworm

Fall Webworm


Flatid Planthopper

Flea Beetle

Flooding and Plants

Freeze and Frost Damage in Spring

Frost Cracks of Trees

Fungus Gnats

Fusarium and Verticillium Wilt of Tomato

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Gall, Vein Pocket Gall on Oak

Galls of Trees

Geranium, Budworm

Girdling Roots

Grapes, Black Rot

Grapes, Downy Mildew


Grassy Sandbur

Gray Leaf Spot on Perennial Ryegrass

Green June Beetles

Grubs, White


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Hackberry, Island Chlorosis

Hackberry, Nipple Gall Maker

Harlequin Bug

Hawthorn, Rust Disease

Henbit and Chickweed

Herbicide Damage to Garden Plants

Herbicide Damage to Trees shrubs Turf and Garden Plants

Hollyhock Rust

Hollyhock Weevil

Honeylocust, Bleeding Canker

Honeylocust, Plant Bug/Leafhopper Complex

Honeysuckle Aphid

Horseradish, Harlequin Bug

Hypoxylon Canker of Oak

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Impatiens Downy Mildew

Imported Cabbageworm

Iris Bacterial Soft Rot

Iris Borer

Iris Leaf Spot

Iris Weed Control

Iron Chlorosis of Blueberries

Iron Chlorosis of Herbaceous Plants

Iron Chlorosis of Trees

Island Chlorosis of Hackberry

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Japanese Beetles

Jumping Oak Gall

Juniper, Botryosphaeria Canker

Juniper, Brown Coloration

Juniper, Cercospora Needle Blight

Juniper, Kabatina Tip Blight

Juniper, Phomopsis Tip Blight

Juniper, Root Diseases

Juniper Webworm

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Kabatina Tip Blight of Juniper

Kentucky Bluegrass, Anthracnose

Kentucky Bluegrass, Dollar Spot

Kentucky Bluegrass, Powdery Mildew

Kentucky Bluegrass, Sod Webworm

Kentucky Bluegrass Summer Patch

Kentucky Bluegrass, White Grubs

Kermes Oak Scale

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Lace Bug

Lace Bug, Oak

Lady Bug, Asian

Large Patch of Zoysiagrass

Lawn, White Grubs

Leaf Drop on Trees in Spring

Leaf Scorch of Trees

Leaf Spot of Turf

Leaves on Trees that Do Not Drop in the Fall

Lecanium Scales

Lilac Borer

Lilac, Powdery Mildew

Lilac, Leaf Spot

Lilac, Pseudomonas Blight

Little Barley

London Planetree, Bark Shedding

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Maple, Bark Shedding

Maple Bladdergall Mite


Mimosa Webworm

Minute Pirate Bug



Moss Control

Mushrooms in Lawn

Muskmelon Anthracnose

Muskmelon, Bacterial Wilt

Muskmelon, Fruit Not Setting

Muskmelon, Powdery Mildew

Mycosphaerella Leaf Spot on Ash

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Nantucket Pine Tip Moth

Natural Needle Drop

Nectarine, Bacterial Spot

Nectarine, Brown Rot

Nectarine, Scab

Needle Drop and Twig Dieback of Blue Spruce


Nightcrawlers in the Lawn

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Oak, Botryosphaeria Canker

Oak Gall Midge

Oak, Hypoxylon Canker

Oak, Jumping Oak Gall

Oak, Kermes Oak Scale

Oak, Lace Bug

Oak, Scarlet Oak Sawfly

Oak, Tip Dieback

Oak Tubakia Leaf Spot

Oak, Vein Pocket Gall

Oak Wilt

Oak, Obscure Scale

Orchard Grass


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Peach, Bacterial Spot

Peach, Brown Rot

Peach, Green June Beetle

Peach, Gummosis

Peach Leaf Curl

Peach, Plum Curculio

Peach Scab

Peach, Perennial Canker

Peaches, Pitburn and Split Pits

Peachtree Borer

Pear, Pseudomonas Blight

Pear Rust

Peony Measles

Peony, Powdery Mildew

Pepper, Blossom-end Rot

Pepper, Fruit Not Setting

Pepper, Sunscalded Fruit

Perennial Canker of Peach

Perennial Ryegrass, Gray Leaf Spot

Petunia, Budworm

Phomopsis Canker of Russian Olive

Phomopsis Tip Blight of Juniper


Pine, Brown Spot

Pine, Diplodia Tip Blight

Pine, Dothistroma Needle Blight

Pine, European Pine Sawfly

Pine, Nantucket Pine Tip Moth

Pine, Natural Needle Drop

Pine Needle Scale

Pine Tortoise Scale

Pine Wilt

Plant Bug-Leafhopper Complex

Plum, Black Knot

Plum Curculio

Plum Pocket

Poison Ivy

Pollination Problems on Vegetables

Potato, Colorado Potato Beetle

Potato, Corky Bumps on Potatoes

Potato, Internal Darkening

Potato, Green Tubers

Potato Growth Cracks

Potato Secondary Growth

Powdery Mildew of Apple and Flowering Crabapple

Powdery Mildew of Cucurbits

Powdery Mildew on Turf

Pseudomonas Blight of Trees and Shrubs

Pumpkin, Powdery Mildew

Purple Coneflower, Aster Yellows

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Redbud, Bark Shedding

Rhizosphaera Needlecast of Spruce

Rhubarb Crown Rot

Rhubarb Seedstalks

Roly Poly

Root Diseases of Juniper

Rose, Blackspot

Rose, Mosaic Virus

Rose Rosette

Rose, Slug Bristly

Rust on Ash

Rust on Turfgrass

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San Jose Scale

Scarlet Oak Sawfly


Seiridium Canker of Oriental Arborvitae

Septoria Leaf Spot on Tomato

Silver Maple, Bark Shedding

Slime Mold on Mulch

Slime Mold of Turf



Sod Webworm

Sooty Blotch and Fly Speck on Apples and Pears

Sooty Mold

Sowbugs and Pillbugs

Spider Mites

Spider Mites on Burning Bush


Spotted Wing Drosophila

Spring Dead Spot of Bermudagrass

Spruce, Needle Drop and Twig Dieback

Spruce, Rhizospheara Needlecast

Spruce Spider Mite

Squash, Blossom-end Rot

Squash Bug

Squash Vine Borer

Squirrel Damage

Stalk Borer


Stripe Smut of Turf

Summer Patch of Kentucky Bluegrass

Sunscald of Trees

Sweet Corn Earworm

Sweet Corn Poorly Filled Ears

Sycamore Anthracnose

Sycamore, Lacebug

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Tall Fescue, Brown Patch

Tall Fescue, White Grubs

Termites and Ants

Thatch Control

Tip Dieback on Oak

Tomato and Pepper Fruit Not Setting

Tomato Anthracnose

Tomato, Bacterial Canker

Tomato, Bacterial Spot or Speck

Tomato, Blister Beetles

Tomato, Blossom-end Rot

Tomato, Cracking

Tomato, Cucumber Mosaic Virus

Tomato, Early Blight

Tomato, Fruit Slow to Ripen

Tomato Fruitworm

Tomato, Fusarium Wilt

Tomato Hard Core in Fruit

Tomato Hornworm

Tomato, Leaf Roll

Tomato, Septoria Leaf Spot

Tomato Spider Mites

Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus

Tomato Stink Bug

Tomato, Sunscalded Fruit

Tomato, Tobacco Mosaid Virus

Tomato, Verticillium Wilt

Tomato Warty Stem

Trees, Borers

Tree Cavities

Trees, Environmental Stress

Trees, Galls

Trees, Girdling Roots

Trees, Iron Chlorosis

Trees, Killing and Stump Treatment

Trees Lack of Good Fall Color

Trees, Leaf Drop in Spring

Trees, Leaf Scorch

Trees, Leaves that Do Not Drop in the Fall

Trees, Slime Flux

Trees, Sunscald

Trees, Verticillium Wilt

Trees, Wetwood

Trees with Mushroom Growth

Tubakia Leaf Spot on Oak

Twig Girdler

Two-Spotted Spider Mite

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Verticillium Wilt of Tomato

Verticillium Wilt of Trees

Vine Crops Flowering but Not Setting Fruit

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Walnut Anthracnose

Walnut Caterpillar

Walnut Wilt

Waterlogged Soils

Watermelon Anthracnose

Watermelon, Fruit Not Setting


White Clover

White Grubs


Wild Onion and Wild Garlic

Wild Violet

Winter Damage

Winter Grain Mite

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Yellow Nutsedge

Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker

Yellownecked Caterpillar

Yew, Wet Feet

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Zoysiagrass and Bermudagrass Mites

Zoysiagrass Billbugs

Zoysia, Chinch Bugs

Zoysiagrass Large Patch

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Updated: 12/3/24