Community Supported Agriculture
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a local food distribution model wherein members purchase shares from the farm and receive a portion of the farm’s harvest each week. The CSA model helps small-scale farms produce a wider variety of produce while utilizing more sustainable methods. More importantly, CSA fosters a relationship between the consumer, the farmer, and the land the food is grown on.
Currently Accepting Applications
Thank you for your interest in the 2025 CSA. Due to a limited number of spots, we are accepting applications for the 2025 season. Those interested in partaking in the CSA are invited to fill out an application. The application can be found here. Application deadline is April 30th!
Summer Program
Our goal is to position the Willow Lake Student Farm as the premier small- to mid-scale, diversified farm research and training center in the Midwest. We focus on training our students and Community on sustainable production of diversified specialty crops while responsibly building community through agriculture.
- High quality, fresh, local produce delivered to the K-State campus every week!
- Produce grown, harvested, and delivered by K-State students and staff for the K-State Community
- Cultivars selected for flavor, nutrition, and to showcase how much variety can be found in our food supply
- Supporting sustainable growing practices • Keeping your food dollars in the K-State Community
- Knowing where your food comes from • Exposure to new produce and methods of cooking
- Convenience - your share should provide the majority of your weekly fresh produce needs
Growing Methods
The Willow Lake Student Farm strongly favors organic production practices and utilizes them as much as practical to provide the safest, high-quality produce we can. There are some problems that require more drastic intervention.
Integrated pest management is an environmentally sensitive program that uses comprehensive information on the life cycles of pests in combination with pest control measures. Ultimately, this may involve the use of pesticides or herbicide at times, and we weigh that intervention against the decision to stop producing a particular crop. But, that is all done with the goal of managing pest damage in the least hazardous way to the food we produce, the people who grow and eat that food, and the soil and environment we rely on for a healthy, happy life.
We strive to maintain and improve the health of our soil from year to year. We utilize compost, natural fertilizers and mulches, crop rotation, conservation tillage, intercropping, and cover crops.
Member Responsibilities
- CSA members share the bounty as well as the risks associated with farming. While the Willow Lake Student Farm plants many crops and cultivars to combat the risks inherent to farming, factors such as adverse weather conditions and pest outbreaks can affect the size of weekly harvests.
- Make alternate arrangements in advance when unable to pick up shares from Throckmorton Hall on pickup days. We cannot issue credit for forgotten or unclaimed shares. If unable to pick up your share, you can have someone else pick it up for you, ask us to hold it until the following day, or donate it. As a CSA member, you share in the responsibility and the reward of a local farm.
Share Options
Full share: $450
Dates: July 2, 2025 - October 15, 2025
This share can be expected to meet the produce needs of 2 - 4+ individuals each week. While the actual quantity will vary based on the growing season, shareholders can expect an minimum of 3 - 5 different types of produce each week. We aim to provide a minimum value of $32 in each weekly box.
Share Contents
The Willow Lake Student Farm grows many different crops that may be included in your share. The exact contents and variety names will be included with the weekly newsletter. Harvests typically start slowly with a focus on greens and fast growing root vegetables, peak towards the end of July and through August, then taper off again as temperatures cool in late September and early October. The following list is a general example of the crops we plant each year:
Peas • Garlic • Potatoes • Radishes • Eggplant • Beets • Beans • Carrots • Turnips • Cucumbers • Tomatoes • Lettuce Greens • Herbs • Peppers Squash • Raspberries • Blackberries • Collard Greens • Kohlrabi • Microgreens
Payment must be received in-full by May 31st, 2025. Unfortunately, we cannot accept credit cards at this time.
After completing your CSA Application, please submit your payment to the Horticulture and Natural Resources Department. Checks should be made payable to “KSU HNR” and include “WLSF CSA 2025" in the memo line. Payments should be delivered to:
KSU Horticulture and Natural Resources2021 Throckmorton
1712 Claflin Road
Manhattan, KS 66505
Pick-up will take place 11:00-1:00 and pick-up of CSA shares will begin on July 2, 2024 behind Throckmorton Hall (enter from the driveway between Throckmorton and Dykstra along Claflin Rd.) Pickup day will be announced once applicants are selected.
Visit the Farm
The Willow Lake Student Farm is situated adjacent to and accessed from Tuttle Creek State Park. Our farm is across Beach Drive from Willow Lake. Interested CSA members are welcome to visit the farm. Please make arrangements in advance by emailing Mason Klish.