Employee Resources

Use the resources on this page to learn how to submit travel and BPC documents. Questions can be answered using the Concur website or be sent to: hnracctg@ksu.edu.

Travel Information

Please carefully review all travel policies BEFORE your travel. Use the University's Concur software to submit pre-travel requests and after-travel expense reports.

  • Before finalizing your travel plans please review the K-State covid travel policies. Travelers are responsible for unexpected or additional travel expenses, including quarantine costs.
  • If traveling internationally, be sure to also register your trip with the Office of Risk & Compliance and consider purchasing international travel insurance for coverage due to a variety of interruptions or cancellations. Please note: International travel is required to be booked through the University's travel agent, Anthony Travel, while booking your trip through Concur.
  • Group travel: If a group is traveling together each individual must cover their own expenses and those who will be seeking reimbursement must fill out their own pre-travel request through Concur beforehand and their own reimbursement expense report afterwards.

These two items are due PRIOR to your trip:

  • Complete your pre-travel request through Concur. This form must be approved before travel occurs or any charges are incurred for a trip. We recommend allowing two weeks for routing and approvals to occur before the beginning of your trip or charges will need to be made.
  • Submit a leave form (salaried vs hourly) - for multi-day trips please fill out an employee leave request.
    • This leave request enables the HR Team to track personnel during official travel status for the University (a seperate tracking from your financial travel forms) without actually using any of the employee's leave.
    • On the leave form select "other absence" in the drop-down list and type the reason in the "reason box." For example, "Turf conference in City A." Type your supervisor's email in the supervisor box and "throckhr@ksu.edu" in the timekeeper box.
    • If you are taking personal time during your trip please select an appropriate number of vacation hours at this time as well.

AFTER your trip - due by the 15th of the month following your travel:

  • Complete your after-travel expense report in Concur and upload all receipts and documentation

BPC Resources

  • For credit card charges incurred on a UMB credit card (prior to 3/31/24) please use the BPC log BPC Log (.xlsx) to turn in monthly BPC statements and receipts to hnracctg@ksu.edu.
  • Credit card charges incurred on a US Bank credit card (issued 2/26/24) will be processed through Concur. Please log in to the Concur website to upload receipts and payment details.