
Our forestry research focuses in three major areas: forestry, agroforestry and water quality. Most of their work revolves around using trees to solve environmental problems. Many of the research projects have been done in collaboration with the Kansas Forest Service (a state agency), and Haskell Indian Nations University. Research sites vary from individual farmer's fields, windbreaks, and streams, to Indian Reservations, and university-owned woodlands.

Current projects include using prescribed fire to improve oak (Quercus spp.) regeneration on upland sites, quantifying the effect that windbreaks have on crop yield, using trees for phytoremediation of groundwater, and studying the effectiveness of streambank stabilization practices.

Recently completed projects improved techniques to enhance germination of red elm (Ulmus rubra), and developed new methods to document the extent, composition, and structure of riparian woodlands in northeast Kansas. Also the widely adopted recommendation to use seedling tree shelters in areas of the state with high deer populations to enhance tree growth and survival grew out of his earlier research.

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Charles Barden

Charles Barden

Forestry, agroforestry, & water quality
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