Turfgrass & Ornamentals
Algae and Moss
Affected plants: Lawn and turf
Anthracnose of Turf
Affected plants: Creeping bentgrass, annual bluegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, and tall fescue
Armyworms and Cutworms
Affected plants: All
Fall Armyworms
Affected plants: All
Asian Jumping Worms
Affected plants: Lawn, turf, soil
Aster Yellows
Affected plants: All
Bermudagrass Spring Dead Spot
Affected plants: Bermudagrass
Bluegrass and Zoysia Billbugs
Affected plants: Primarily Zoysiagrass and Kentucky Bluegrass
Brown Patch of Turf
Affected plants: many turfgrasses but most severe on tall fescue, perennial ryegrass and creeping bentgrass
Affected plants: Petunia, Geranium, Roses, Tobacco
Burning Bush Spider Mites
Affected plants: Burning bush
Affected plants: all
Chinch Bug
Affected plants: Primarily zoysiagrass but may infest buffalograss, bermudagrass, and bluegrass.
Affected plants: White clover, lawn, turf, weeds
Affected plants: Crabgrass, lawn, turf, weeds
Affected plants: Lawn, turf, weeds
Affected plants: All
Dollar Spot on Turf
Affected plants: All common turfgrass, lawn
Earthworms in the Lawn
Affected plants: Turf, lawn, soil
Flooding and Plants
Affected plants: All
Freeze and Frost Damage in Spring
Affected plants: All
Affected plants: All
Grassy Sandbur/Stickers
Affected plants: Lawn, turf
Gray Leaf Spot on Perennial Ryegrass
Affected plants: Perennial Ryegrass
Grubs, White
Affected plants: Bentgrass, Kentucky bluegrass, and the fine fescues.
Henbit and Chickweed
Affected Plants: any, considered weed
Herbicide Damage to Trees, Shrubs, Turf and Garden Plants
Affected plants: Trees, shrubs, turf and garden plants
Hollyhock Rust
Affected plants: Hollyhock, Rose Mallow, Rose-of-Sharon
Hollyhock Weevil
Affected plants: Hollyhock
Honeysuckle Aphid
Affected plants: Honeysuckle
Impatiens Downy Mildew
Affected Plants: Various Impatiens
Iris Bacterial Soft Rot
Affected plants: Iris
Iris Borer
Affected plants: Iris
Iris Leaf Spot
Affected plants: Iris
Iris Weed Control
Affected plants: Iris
Japanese Beetle
Affected plants: Rose, birch, linden, crabapple, grape, Virginia creeper, and buckeye
Leaf Spot and Melting-out
Affected plants: Primarily Kentucky bluegrass and tall fescue
Powdery Mildew on Turf
Affected plants: Kentucky bluegrass (most susceptible), bermudagrass, red fescue, others
Rust on Turfgrass
Affected plants: All common turfgrasses
Sod Webworm
Affected plants: Kentucky bluegrass, buffalograss, bermudagrass and bentgrass
Stripe Smut of Turf
Affected plants: Kentucky bluegrass and creeping bentgrass
Summer Patch of Turf
Affected plants: Kentucky bluegrass and annual bluegrass
Lilac Borer
Affected plants: Lilac, ash, mountain ash, and occasionally privet
Lilac Leaf Spot
Affected plants: list here
Lilac, Powdery Mildew
Affected plants: Lilac
Lilac, Pseudomonas Blight
Affected plants: Lilac and ornamental flowering pears
Little Barley
Affected plants: Lawn, turf, weeds
Winter Grain Mite
Affected plants: Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue and Chewings red fescue
Two-Spotted Mite
Affected Plants: numerous
Zoysiagrass and Bermudagrass Mite
Affected plants: Zoysiagrass and Bermudagrass
Affected plants: Lawn, turf, soil
Mushrooms in a Lawn
Affected plants: Turgrass, lawn
Yellow Nutsedge
Affected plants: Lawn, turf, weeds
Orchard Grass
Affected plants: Lawn, turf, weeds
Oxalis (Yellow Woodsorrel)
Main impact: perennial weed in lawn
Peony Measles
Affected plants: Peony
Roly-Polys, Pillbugs, & Sowbugs
Affected plants: All, soil
Powdery Mildew of Peony
Affected plants: Peony
Rose Blackspot
Affected plants: Rose
Rose Mosaic Virus
Affected plants: Rose
Rose Rosette
Affected plants: Rose
Rose Slug
Affected plants: Rose
Slime Mold of Turf
Affected plants: All turfgrass
Affected plants: All, hosta
Sooty Mold
Affected plants: All
Stalk Borer
Affected plants: All
Thatch Control
Affected plants: Kentucky Bluegrass, Bermudagrass, Zoysiagrass and Creeping Bentgrass
Affected plants: Ornamental and houseplants
Wild Violet
Affected plants: Weeds
Yew Wet Feet
Affected plants: Yew
Zoysiagrass, Large Patch
Affected plants: Zoyiagrass