Turfgrass & Ornamentals
Algae and Moss
Anthracnose of Turf
Affected plants: Creeping bentgrass, annual bluegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, and tall fescue
Armyworms and Cutworms
Fall Armyworms
Asian Jumping Worms
Aster Yellows
Bermudagrass Spring Dead Spot
Bluegrass and Zoysia Billbugs
Brown Patch of Turf
Affected plants: many turfgrasses but most severe on tall fescue, perennial ryegrass and creeping bentgrass
Burning Bush Spider Mites
Chinch Bug
Affected plants: Primarily zoysiagrass but may infest buffalograss, bermudagrass, and bluegrass.
Dollar Spot on Turf
Earthworms in the Lawn
Flooding and Plants
Freeze and Frost Damage in Spring
Grassy Sandbur/Stickers
Gray Leaf Spot on Perennial Ryegrass
Grubs, White
Henbit and Chickweed
Herbicide Damage to Trees, Shrubs, Turf and Garden Plants
Hollyhock Rust
Hollyhock Weevil
Honeysuckle Aphid
Impatiens Downy Mildew
Iris Bacterial Soft Rot
Iris Borer
Iris Leaf Spot
Iris Weed Control
Japanese Beetle
Affected plants: Rose, birch, linden, crabapple, grape, Virginia creeper, and buckeye
Leaf Spot and Melting-out
Powdery Mildew on Turf
Affected plants: Kentucky bluegrass (most susceptible), bermudagrass, red fescue, others
Rust on Turfgrass
Sod Webworm
Stripe Smut of Turf
Summer Patch of Turf
Lilac Borer
Lilac Leaf Spot
Lilac, Powdery Mildew
Lilac, Pseudomonas Blight
Little Barley
Winter Grain Mite
Affected plants: Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue and Chewings red fescue
Two-Spotted Mite
Zoysiagrass and Bermudagrass Mite
Mushrooms in a Lawn
Yellow Nutsedge
Orchard Grass
Oxalis (Yellow Woodsorrel)
Peony Measles
Roly-Polys, Pillbugs, & Sowbugs
Peony, Powdery Mildew
Rose Blackspot
Rose Mosaic Virus
Rose Rosette
Rose Slug
Slime Mold of Turf
Sooty Mold
Stalk Borer
Thatch Control
Affected plants: Kentucky Bluegrass, Bermudagrass, Zoysiagrass and Creeping Bentgrass
Wild Violet
Yew Wet Feet
Zoysiagrass, Large Patch