Horticulture Production

An education combining horticulture and business courses prepares students for opportunities in propagation and production of potted crops, bedding plants, trees and shrubs, cut flowers. This program also prepares students for careers in organic, sustainable, and conventional fruit and vegetable production. Many students obtain professional positions as greenhouse, nursery, or garden center managers or with allied trades such as seed breeding companies, supply firms, research greenhouses, retail floral shops, and wholesale brokers.

Employment opportunities also include owner or manager of a fruit or vegetable farm; organic farmer; or work with non-profit organizations in the new area of urban and community gardening. Graduates would also be qualified to be field representatives for processing, agricultural input suppliers, or equipment companies; or as managers, buyers, field representatives, or produce brokers/marketing representatives. Our greenhouses and student educational farm allow students to get hands-on experience in many of these areas in addition to course-work and field trips.

Curriculum Guide (pdf)